

Walking makes us healthy. It maintains and improve our health. Walking can be done any time in a day and it requires less or no equipment. A study conducted in 2007 about inactive women depicts that even 75 minutes walk per week makes the person fit as compared to non exercising groups. Walking is a great form of physical activity for the people who are overweight, elder and who have not walked for long time.  HEALTH BENEFITS FROM WALKING The benefits gained from walking are as follows: increased cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness strong bones, improve balance increase muscles strength reduce body fat improved management of conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, high muscular pain walking makes you happy walking boosts vitamin D It prevents dementia It tones up legs, bums and tums It gives us energy Different studies show that regular exercise lowers the risks to certain cancers  such as breast and colon cancers. PEDOMETER USE A pedometer is used to mea...


The water that is percolated in the ground is known as groundwater.  It is brought on the surface for use. The following points need to be taken into account regarding underground sources: a) AQUIFERS The surface of each aquifers is composed of alternate pervious and impervious layers. Pervious strata are those strata through which water can easily pass while impervious strata are those through which water cannot pass.  The   pervious layers are named as aquifers or water holding strata. Aquifers have sand or gravel layer that provides the good quality water. The aquifers that are made of limestone layer gives good quantity of water supply and cracks or fissures are present there. b) MOVEMENT OF GROUNDWATER The movement of underground water is through gravity and attraction of molecules of surface tension. c) POROSITY   The porosity is defined as the ratio of volume of pores or openings of material to the volume of total volume of material. Porosi...


SURFACE SOURCES Surface water resources includes three types of sources 1) Lakes and Streams 2) Rivers 3) Storage Reservoirs 1) LAKES AND STREAMS A natural lake is a large water body in the land. A lake is used to supply water to its nearest areas. The runoff of water that goes in the lake should be measured correctly and it should be equal to the demand of that area people. Streams are made by the surface. Streams have plenty of water in rainy season but the flow of water in dry season is quite low and it may cause the streams dry.  The catchment area of both lakes and streams is low. So, the water supply is also low in these water bodies. Therefore, they cannot be used as water supply schemes for large cities. They can only be used for nearby areas and small towns.  Wat er Quality The water of lakes and streams is free from impurities. This water can be utilized safely for drinking water purpose.  2) RIVERS Rivers proves as the large source of water supply schemes for R...


Virtual Water is the water embodied in a product not in real sense but in virtual sense. The water required to produce a product is known as virtual water. It is also known as embedded water or exogenous water. Exogenous water is the water that the countries import in virtual sense and it is exogenous to the importing countries. In quantitative term one approach defined the virtual water content as volume of water that is used in actual to produce the product. It depends on production conditions such as time and place of production and water use efficiency. e.g. for producing 1 kg of grain in arid environment requires two to three times more water than growing the same grain in humid country. In second approach virtual water is defined with the perspective of user. It is defined as amount of water that would have been required to produce a product at the location where it is produced.  VALUE OF VIRTUAL WATER In water scarce conditions import of virtual water in water deficient coun...


EXECUTION OF WASTE ANALYSIS Execution of waste analysis is the third step in waste characterization. 1. COLLECTION OF SAMPLES The Collection team should collect the waste either by emptying the waste containers or by exchanging them with empty ones on regular intervals without informing the property holder who produce this waste to avoid his influence in changing the composition of waste. Each sample should be tagged with a specific reference identification code so that it could be used in wet conditions. The following data must be recorded while collecting waste samples 1)  Sample Address  2)  Date of Collection 3)  Specific Identification Reference Code 4)  Number and type of waste containers collected 5)  Estimation by seeing the percentage filling level of containers 6)  Estimation of percentage filling level of  other containers at one address for finding the waste amount Number of persons responsible for waste production and ...


The second step in waste characterization is analysis design and planning.  1. TYPE OF SAMPLING A sample is a subset of a population that represents the results of whole population. It is necessary to take the sample of waste because it is no possible to analyze the whole population. Stratified random samples must be used as much as possible. Relevant sources of waste must be sampled from any selected strata. For Example waste bins are able to be sampled from selected strata. 2 . NUMBER AND TYPE OF STRATA The number and kind of strata to be used depends on many factors: waste management information, sufficient resources, need of municipality and availability of sufficient waste planning data.  Maximum five strata could be used. Above than 5 strata's could lead to requiring more sampling from waste to achieve accuracy in results. More sampling would be time requiring so it is preferred to take 5 strata's not more than this....


WASTE CHARACTERIZATION The first step in waste characterization is pre-investigation. 1. PRE-INVESTIGATION 1.1 BACKGROUND  INFORMATION   General Description of the Area under Investigation The area, its location and surface area should be identified. The information includes identification of Geo political areas and all the waste management data available. General Population Information  Population information includes: number of inhabitants number of households income level type and proportion of residential structure Waste Management Information Waste management information deals with: Description of waste management system organization such as actors and their responsibilities Type of waste produced or collected e.g. mixed household waste or co collected household and commercial waste Description of waste containers that are in use such as household bins, communal bins and bins storage capacity Average number of people using bins Total bin volume, their spatial distrib...